Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as tapping, is an evidence-based stress reduction tool. It combines somatic (the body) and coaching techniques to address mental, emotional, and physical issues. It involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on uncomfortable emotions or physical sensations.
About EFT

EFT tapping works by sending calming signals to the brain along the primo vascular system. By tapping on specific points on the upper body and face while focusing on an issue, the fear centre (Amygdala) in the brain is deactivated and stress hormones are reduced. The Fight, Flight, Freeze response (Sympathetic Nervous System) is deactivated, and emotional or physical distress is alleviated, allowing us to move past the current issue.

Tapping allows the subconscious mind to bring up relevant memories, limiting beliefs, old programming, and patterns that stop us from moving forward and achieving our goals. By gaining insight into these issues they can be released in order to take the next step with clarity.

Over 300 research studies, review articles and meta-analyses have been published in professional, peer-reviewed journals. EFT has been found to be an ‘evidence based’ practice for anxiety, depression, phobias, food cravings, chronic pain and PTSD when measured against the standards of the American Psychological Association’s division 12 Task Force on Empirically Validated Treatments. In clinical research trials EFT has consistently been shown to be fast and lasting.

It is said to try EFT on any issue! EFT can be used for addressing negative thought patterns including: • Grief • Stress • Anxiety • Panic attacks • Fear (of public speaking, height, flying, exams, dental, needles etc) • Concentration difficulties • Phobias • Weight issues • Pain and chronic pain • Depression • Sleep problems • PTSD and trauma*
*PTSD and trauma should only be addressed with a qualified practitioner.